Acupuncture improves brain connections in migraine patients.
Acupuncture treatment modulates the resting-state functional connectivity of brain regions in migraine patients without aura. New research in China shows that acupuncture treatment can increase functional connectivity in brain regions that show decreased connectivity in migraine without aura (MWoA) patients. Migraine patients often experience warning signs, known as aura, such as flashing lights. However, some…
Heal your headaches in 3 simple steps.
A simple solution to your headaches and migraines. According to American neurologist David Buchholz there is a simple 3 step solution to relieving chronic headaches and migraines. Over the last few months I have had several patients follow the approach outlined in his book, Heal Your Headache, with great results. You can listen to David…
Acupuncture is significantly superior to all controls for chronic pain
Acupuncture is significantly superior to all controls. Controls and Trials Researchers studying the effects of acupuncture want to assess the benefit of acupuncture against that of a control. This is done to mitigate the effects of placebo – the tendency for people to get better when they are given any sort of treatment. A secondary…
NICE recommend acupuncture for migraines and tension headaches.
NICE recommend acupuncture for migraines and tension headaches. Widely reported in the media this week is a story that painkillers ‘are the cause’ of millions of headaches. It has long been known that overuse of painkillers can cause headaches and migraines that feel identical to patient’s normal pain. This can lead to a vicious circle…
New review supports acupuncture for migraine prevention.
New review supports acupuncture for migraine prevention. Earlier in the year I was looking at the evidence base for the use of acupuncture for migraine prevention. At that time the Cochrane review of acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis, rather disappointingly, concluded that, ” evidence in support of acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis was considered promising but insufficient”. …