
Treating Covid-19 with Chinese Medicine

How do we treat Covid-19 with Chinese Medicine? This is a question posed on my recent Chinese Herbal Medicine course.  I’m posting my answer to show the sort of thinking that goes into how we choose a herbal formula in Chinese Medicine.  There are many different herbs and formulae that can be chosen for Covid-19.…

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How do we diagnose and treat fever with Chinese Herbal Medicine?

I’m posting some of my essays from my recent course in Chinese Herbal Medicine.  They illustrate the thinking process of how we diagnose and treat fever and other conditions with Chinese Medicine.  This one is from my final exam.  It was a rather short question which made answering difficult but I got a great grade. Case…

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Can Acupuncture Help Long Covid?

Can Acupuncture Help Long Covid?     Let’s talk about… Long Covid and acupuncture: an introduction We have all been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The UK government and its scientific advisers have taken measures intended to slow the rate of transmission, reduce the number of fatalities and keep the NHS afloat. Whatever might…

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Covid-19 – Keeping you safe when we go back to work.

Update from July 19th I’m delighted to say we are now able to treat all conditions as normal again.  I will continue to wear a mask and will continue to ask my clients to do the same if they are able.  I was going to delete the information below but feel I want to keep…

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Clinically vulnerable people

On the advice of The British Acupuncture Council I have to use my professional judgment as to whether to exclude clinically vulnerable clients from my practice based on their risk and vulnerability in relation to Covid-19 infection.  This is based on the categories of clinically vulnerable people and clinically extremely vulnerable people.  I’m sure you…

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