Treating Covid-19 with Chinese Medicine
How do we treat Covid-19 with Chinese Medicine? This is a question posed on my recent Chinese Herbal Medicine course. I’m posting my answer to show the sort of thinking that goes into how we choose a herbal formula in Chinese Medicine. There are many different herbs and formulae that can be chosen for Covid-19.…
How do we diagnose and treat fever with Chinese Herbal Medicine?
I’m posting some of my essays from my recent course in Chinese Herbal Medicine. They illustrate the thinking process of how we diagnose and treat fever and other conditions with Chinese Medicine. This one is from my final exam. It was a rather short question which made answering difficult but I got a great grade. Case…
10 reasons to drink green tea
When I started eating a paleo/primal diet, the hardest thing for me was giving up black tea with (skimmed) milk. This great British staple is such a way of life for many of us that to even consider giving it up seems intolerable. We have a cup of tea to get us going in the…
Paleo & Chinese medicine.
Paleo and Chinese Medicine Does Chinese medicine support the paleo diet? I think most people imagine not. The contemporary Chinese diet emphasizes the importance of ‘fan’, or staple foods such as wheat and rice. These are thought to have a neutral energetic (being neither cooling or warming) which balances the other elements of the meal…
Chinese Herbal Medicine Found To Be More Effective for Female Infertility Than Modern Medicine.
In an Australian Government-funded study, Ried and Stuart of Adelaide University reviewed 8 RCT’s and 22 smaller studies involving a total of 1851 women with poor fertility. Meta-analysis of studies involving over 1000 women found roughly double the likelihood of achieving pregnancy with Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) than with western drug therapy. Over a 4…